^ingame stats ( with all permant buffs & Blood of Dreeg up, DPS shown is Stormfire, build has over 5k Health Regen with procs ingame, max crit 426k.
Core of this build are the Ember’s Calling set (target farmable in ultimate SR) and the Mythical Tome of Atonement (random drop). If you don’t have these items you basically can’t play this build. The rest is pretty flexible.
Feedback & Final Words
Out of the three new sets I feel like Ember’s Calling is probably the strongest and most flexible. With people making Aura Saboteurs, Aura Purifiers and even DW Dervishes or Canister Bomb Sabotuers this set provides a lot of replayability.
While it’s big weakness is certainly the missing physical resistance, the support to Vindictive Flame at least gives the build plenty of HP regen. Transmuted burn DEE certainly feels viable on this patch, I can’t say the same about the spam version of DEE… that seems to still be rather bad. Anyway hope you guys enjoy this build, have fun and happy farming!
is it still 2017?
I needed greens in my build because I wanted to max the use of VF. If you wanna make a version of my build for instance, just remove the affixes and armor augments and see what you need to cover resistances and stats. Use some creativity to make your own version
Being sad about a build needing greens in 2k21 is like being sad that a build needs purples tbh… they are super easy to get now.
I would say that the mythical Warpfire is on average the hardest piece of gear to get on this char.
Nothing drops in SR except Shattered Souls which you should gather up as you go along. All loot comes from the chests when you cash out. And you can buy the Shattered Realm set at the vendor in there at certain levels.
I did it this way:
Scholar’s Light
Solael’s Witchblade
Refund Eel, Lion and Hammer
Refund purple, green and blue from Crossroads