GDStashed Builds Discussion

You did one run and present it as end all be all… Like dude wtf?

And even with my created characters. If I didn’t play them for some time I would not jump out straight into SR 90. You need some muscle memory for that. Let alone with character that is not your own…

And then there is the strawman of min everything…

Nah, it’s the same thing and you know it.

Yup, the rings are missing a few points. None of the items are perfectly perfect. They’re all very close though. If you scroll up, I did the maths for you, those items are in the top 2% of possible rolls for those stats. You can’t just show up with “not maxed” and call it a day. And you have the balls to call me disengenuous.

You’re right, I’m off. It’s more than that because the MIs are also incredibly good and I don’t know the drop chances with the correct affixes. I do know that all the top rolls are very close to perfect though.

they are not… that’s the fn point…
like holy sht…
even ignoring that you attribute, for some reason, a 2500 rarity “which you admit doesn’t’ actually apply to these” - you don’t even realize how the rolls work/the ranges gets generated thus attribute to them as if these being much much lower somehow doesn’t change that equation… it’s… crazy…

it’s less, because you’re again doing a very fundamental incorrect attribution, as if the affixes being rare drop rate somehow equates to them being either more guaranteed to mismatch the rolls/more in line with your comparison or the overall combined stat effects, or that they are somehow “biased” to be any less avg… which is also colossally flawed

no, they are missing a fn lot; and it’s not just the rings, it’s also the very gd dang axes that you invoke… which is just…

literally not what i’m doing, quite the opposite, and i’m very specific about it
because, as i said, there is a huge difference between having 14 items with above avg rolls or even high rolls, and comparing those to the avg (where your 26% is still off), vs comparing actual min rolls “which doesn’t exist”, to the above
It massively exacerbates both your issue, but also the “invalidity” of the issue, because even on a below than avg rolled setup “statistically unlucky player”; it’s still far from your comparison.
You’re picking a baseline that’s so far out/irrelevant, it compunds the gap into levels that not only doesn’t’ exist in teh game, but is far greater than the top20 stashed rolls discrepancy has on ingame drops
or to reiterate:

and that’s really the big issue

even ignore trusting the builders telling you they are only spawning 30 items or whatever, far out of the 1/XXXX you feel these "top2%"items are
your base notion of the rolls being that rare is already enough, because you think somehow that maxing 1 stat and having way less still equates to some statistical fixation and equality

You have to take all stats not just these ones and the percentage for the enirety of the stats… If you care about three stats and there are double than that or more… it is a bit off, don’t you think?

except we don’t have “the maximums”, you literally have the proof above you - on the screenshots of the gear from our save. It’s high rolled but far from the actual “maximums”.

That is if we ignore that the main point which is that the test should never been done with 0 seed gear.

That doesn’t make it right. You can take throw it at SR100 and die with it using the same explanation. Just wrong methodology used for testing and instead of admitting it all you say is “but it’s because I once played this build at SR90”.

again, doesn’t excuse it. If you are testing the build you should at least play it correctly (unless it’s a 10 button piano that’s super hard to pilot which none of the top20 builds are).

Who decided that? Where is this “bar” then and how does it look? Because we presented our arguments for why our builds are first and foremost tested in SR 75-76, and it’s an opinion shared by several best min-maxing minds of GD with the collective few dozen thousands hours of experience in GD.

Man, you can’t really say “it’s 100% fact” after your own “debunking” video has been debunked right here in this thread by several GD veterans. That video was just bad: bad premise, bad methodology, wrong conclusions.

Are you really bringing it up? :rofl:

Maybe if you actually looked at more than one build in top20 and tried to properly construct your argument you would’ve noticed quite few builds with much much simpler items than Korba. But than it would be inconvinient for your straw man, right?

Let’s be specific.

Korba’s Decapitator can roll the following:
18-26 cold damage
110-163% cold damage
14-20% attack speed.

1 out of 8 possible rolls match or exceed the used item for flat cold.
8 out of 53 possible rolls match or exceed the used item for % cold damage.
2 out of 6 possible rolls match or exceed the used item for attack speed.

8x53x6 = 2,544 total different rolls for these stats are possible

8x2x1 = 16 total combinations that match or exceed the item used.

16/2544 = 0.62% of all possible rolls can match or exceed the item used.

That axe is so close to perfect that the difference doesn’t matter.

they are not
because that’s not how the fn seed works man… :pensive:
there is not only 16 combinations to match these, and Maverick already told you why…
and the lower the stat ranger is from max/min the more of them there exists…

Because % bleed damage is really important to a cold damage build.

i’m not talking about the bleed? ever? once?
look at the picture, i’m directly showing you where and how many times you’re off

you have less stats “of the desired” maxed than below max, far below enough to massively increase the pool size too…

flat cold is maxed on 1 item
% is not maxed on a single item
speed is maxed on 1 axe

I cannot believe how absolutely toxic these forums are. This is a #$%& game!!! I have actually tried to play the Korba Trickster in the top 20 builds but I stopped because I didn’t know how to effectively level the thing. It never occurred to me that the build was a GD Stash fantasy - I (stupidly) actually thought that I could get a build like it or similar by grinding the game. I play GD as hard core because I am so upset when I die even in soft core that I stop playing the character altogether - so I might as well play HC. The way that the top 20 softcore builds completely neglects any and all pet builds is a turn off for me too. I have followed pet build guides where the presented character specifically doesn’t have any affixes on MIs and that is truly wonderful to see – gives me the notion that I as a non-GD Stash player can actually attain that build by grinding the game. Apparently none of these top 20 builds is similarly attainable in a normal human lifetime. (Or at least the Korba Trickster as shown).

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It isn’t. You are a victim of misinformation. And these builds are not for beginners. Look for beginner builds in the forums.

What you can obtain will be like 5-10 % weaker.

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Whether it is a beginner build or not it still would take longer than a human lifetime to legitimately get the build with the exact stats as shown – whether for a beginner or an expert. I believe experts or professional Grim Dawn players don’t have an intrinsically longer lifetime.

You don’t need to have it. Not even close. And the difference will not be that great.

we have level guides?, several that can apply to top20

the authors straight up tell you this?

they are, you even have some “in the very to20/build thread” telling they made XY build

as for pets, pets (solid pet builds) in general lean so a much more casual and simplistic playstyle and building; simply because of pets inherent nature and strengths, AKA why maya likes them/advertise them as lazy etc
*that very innate strength is also why devs are frequently reluctant to either buff them much or add too many feature to them, since they don’t feel like gameplay should be too laid back/uninvolved “too much free strength”


I don’t know… When I take my pet build into SR 75 I don’t see my health bar yoyoing like I see the health bar on the Korba Trickster. In HC that yoyoing is very likely reducing my human life time so it is not for me. Thanks.

Because non pet builds are not that good in SR as pet builds.

There was even a thread recently with some “top pet buillds” which were not great at all and did SR 90…

And celestials?

Don’t sweat it. The builds are fine, we’re just arguing details.

If you do try the builds, they have a separate thread about how to level them. You’re correct (and so am I) that you’re never going to get to the performance levels shown, but you can get to within 10-20% with a bit of effort.

We’re just disagreeing on what that % is, and some people don’t like how I made the video in question. Mad_lee is going to Mad_lee and probably feels personally slighted, since it’s his build in question. Gnomish likes to argue and I’m off today, so I don’t mind indulging him.


because you have pets tanking for you/taking 90% of the dmg and aggro?

player builds, specially close range builds yoyo bar is normal/expected, it’s why rapid healing/good sustain is critical for most player builds

DW nightblades are among the fastest celestial killers, takes practice tough