Grim Misadventure #170 - A Crucible of Sights

Depends on what you call life. Yes, Crate may stop supporting it in the future with new content, but then the modders will start adding even more mods to keep the game fresh for us. We already have several and there’ll be more I expect once Crate finish updating the game with new content.

Probably more the end of its development life cycle. I would not be surprised, if we will still get some updates because #1 it will keep players’ interest up and #2 the devs want their game to be good - e.g.:

Yes, I did. I knew there’d be info in them for FG during development that people would want to check on so went back over them copy/pasting the questions and transcribing Zantai’s spoken answers.

As far as I know it’s not closed atm.


Crucible of the Bog (best theme imo) appears to be the smallest and simplest layout so far or is that just the perspective? Finally no more running around to pick up all the enemies in the opposing corners? :smile:

Honestly, I see no reason that it can’t hold as much as they want to put in it. It’s more about the length of the game content from a players point of view than it is about whether the engine can cope with it. It can clearly cope with whatever they want to add to it.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Hello, need some help

It’s not only good, it’s great.:star_struck: Could we have Crucible of Flesh too?? Fleshwork dungeon is one of my favorite in Malmouth. Alien-like and creepy, not many dungeons give me similar atmosphere like that.

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Love these posts, thank you for the awesome work Crate :slight_smile:



Zantai, please stop adding nerfs to the changelog. My Cronley farmers can’t even farm Cronley anymore, they have to farm Kyzogg. :scorv:

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Good thing Kyzogg’s got an MI next patch then!


What does not kill builds makes them stronger, so more nerfs are welcome! :grinning:

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What if you wanted to nerf everything but God said Body is limited to 48000 characters

Oh boy, i’m gonna drop the best Kyzogg MI then. pogchamp

Even Kyzogg?! Is there a forgettable Boss you guys didn’t give an MI to?

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There is even NDA override - stay tuned for v1.1.7.0

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i am personally very excited about this, not only because an early farmable MI will be fun in the game but also because I just designed his card in my GD CCG/deckbuilder idea (not for profit, for everyone here to play around with and for self enjoyment nothing more). A loot drop upon defeating his card will make the early game a lot more exciting, as he is currently a Level 3 Legendary Monster- a card that can enter play as early as turn 4!

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motherfiiiiing squeeeeeeeeee (dont dare add it to the SR pool)

Honestly I found that neither the Crucible nor the Shattered Realm are that worth the investment. You to fight a loooooong time in order to get to your rewards, and it might happen to be some legendary you already have. On the other hand, I can do several Nemesis runs in the same amount of time, and also run into Shrines on the way that yield more Legendaries in the same amount of time.

I like the challenge of Crucible and that it receives attention this time. I don’t care about legendaries per hour.