Thanks for all the tips! some of us have figured out “starter builds” already
Here are some more:
Builds by Nery
[] Chillstrifes Infiltrator on medium budget-mostly blues
[] Beginners/Budget Vindicator,lightning Caster/2h Ranged versions a variation of my Lightning caster build
[] Beginner's/budget project-DW pierce ranged Tactician
[] [Caster] Beginner's/budget vitality RE Oppressor,leveling guide inside,Cabalist version added
[] [caster] Beginner's/budget acid Sentinel
Builds by Stupid Dragon
[DW melee] Beginner’s Virulent Dervish
[DW melee] Beginner’s Forgotten Blademaster
[shield melee] Beginner’s pre-Krieg Death Knight
[2H melee] Krieg Death Knight on budget, the Soul Reaver
[] Beginner’s melee 2H Lightning Elementalist Old but still deserves a mention
[] Beginner's ranged Tactician Old but still deserves a mention
Builds by Maya
The Carnival - A Guide to Pets contains all you need to know about pets and contains several budget builds
Build by Sir Spanksalot
Sir Spanksalot's / malawiglenn's beginner friendly guide for Phantasmal Blades Reaper still not re-formatted to fit the new forum but the most important things are in there.