Hey there all, I am newish to the game, recently found it, been playing, and loving it. Right now been bouncing between my Death Knight (primary 2h with Skeletons) and an Alt Warder (2h Lightning). So I thought to myself, I love both these characters, why not ditch solider, slap them together and rock a ritualistic. So I look online for a 2h summoner build and for the life of me I can’t find one that shoots for what I am trying to accomplish.
Now my assumption is that either A. It is because the build Idea may work in normal but as the game progresses and gets harder will have its butt handed to it, therefor no one builds this way, or B. I am the first o.O
Anyways, here is the build I am shooting for, and before I spend the upcoming weeks or months of my life running after this idea, will it work for the long haul and if not, why is that? Like I figure the pets will draw agro, and I will join in an AOE blow up everything. So far with the primary classes separate, they seem to be working, but Ive only gotten to about 40th level on either, and am re-rolling right now as a ritualistic.
I know there are workable Ritualistic builds out there, but they look nothing like the build I am linking here, so again, what I need is feedback as to why? What am I missing. Do skeletons not hold their own in end game? Is it the lightning only tickles monsters later on post lvl 50? Any who, I hope this build idea works, because I think merging these 2 play styles of my 2 classes would make for 1 solid extremely fun character. Any who, I am off to get to work building him, if he is a waste of effort though, be sure to save me some time Peace.
Worst case ill just have to pick one of my 2, death knight or warder and all back to one of them, as I;m sure they can go the distance. Soldier is just a solid secondary for good defense.
Oh and here’s the link…planned out devotion points and all.