So back before the expansion, me and a friend were kicking around the idea of running co-op with one normal build and one support build, the original Idea was to do conjurer with BoD, CoF, Wendigo Totem, and Auras, but in the end we decided that it didn’t fit the “support” idea well enough.
So once my friend got a hold of the expansion, and looked at the inquisitor I was asked to go back to the drawing board on the support build. This is what the end result was:
Weapon: Mythical Touch of Purity | Seal of Corruption | Outcast’s Bastion
Off-hand: Mythical Sacred Texts of Menhir | Seal of Might | Outcast’s Bastion
Head: Ravager’s Dreadgaze | Living Armor | Wendigo Bloodscent Powder
Chest: Mythical Dread Armor of Azragor | Living Armor
Pants: Mythical Chausses of Barbaros | Scaled Hide
Shoulders: Stonehide Fabius’ Shoulderguard of Kings | Scaled Hide
Gloves: Mythical Touch of the Everliving Grove | Spellwoven Threads
Boots: Mythical Timewarped Walkers | Ugdenbog Leather
Belt: Mythical Cord of Deception | Ugdenbog Leather
Amulet: Mythical Pestilence of Dreeg | Seal of Annihilation | Survivors Ingenuity
Rings: Incorruptible Living Ring of Scorched Runes | Bloodied Crystal | Survivors Ingenuity
Relic: Eternity
Medal: Mythical Senrir’s Commendation | Blazing Ruby
As far as leveling up, rush inquisitor to 50 for Aura of Conviction to extend a very nice buff to your allies, while leveling I recommend the use of component skills such as fireblast and lightning nova, and at later levels Mark of Dreeg and Devil Touched Ammo.
Once you max out Aura of Conviction, you can either 2:1 the occultist mastery and Word of Renewal or 1:1:1 and add in Curse of Frailty as well, at least until you hit 15 in Occultist, at which point also start investing into Blood of Dreeg for additional OA for allies as well as a second heal.
Once you hit 32 Occ and 50 Inquis you are for the most part done with your mastery bar, and from levels there on, invest in Word of Pain/Death Sentence, Word of Renewal modifiers, and Inquisitor Seal and Arcane Empowerment.
Ultimately you want to have most of your skills maxed out as listed in the grim calc link, and the purpose of all of these skills is to both support allies and debuff enemies.
- Order Crossroads
- Lion
- Order Crossroads (remove point)
- Ascendant Crossroads
- Empty Throne
- Primordial Crossroads
- Eel
- Bards Harp (Bound to Aura of Conviction)
- Ulo, Keeper of the Waters (Bound to Dreegs Evil Eye)
- Hound
- Sailor’s Guide
- Tree of Life (Bound to Azragorian Tactics)
- Chaos Crossroads
- Jackal
- Vulture
- Dying God (Bound to Solael’s Flame)
- Aeon’s Hourglass(Bound to Dreadgaze)
As far as gearing goes, Anything you can use while leveling up, while level 94 focuses on extending as much support and debuffing as possible with every gear slot. and as for the greens I used in the link as well as Ravagers Dreadgaze and Pestilence of Dreeg with Plague of Shattered Souls, those are really steep asking requirements of players, and those can be replaced with whatever you feel will work in the meantime untill you can get them. That was me just squeezing out every possible ounce of resist reduction from the gear I had, it certainly works wonders if you can get them or have them however.
An alternative Build you can kind of squeeze in with some gear alterations is a Raddagans Deceiver since that sets introduction in
Said Raddagans variant:
Edit: Fixed some Items in the Grimtools link
Edit #2: reformatted the post
Edit #3 Updated for