[Tool] Grim Internals

Is there an Icon for grim internals? Where can I find one if it isnā€™t available?

? .exe has an icon.

Nevermind, I ripped it out of the exe.

Nearly perfect, outstanding job, @GlockedGerda

The only thing Iā€™d give my left hand for (on a 2nd thought I might settle for my right toenail) is moar hotkeys. Esp. for time scale. Iā€™m glad it exists, but opening the config screen, fiddling with the sliders, that could be smoother. Maybe hotkeys for increment/decrement in 0.1 or 0.5 steps, doesnt matter that much

Iā€™m kinda ā€œmehā€ when it comes to implementing hotkeys in tools like this. Itā€™s not something you want to go overboard with because it can bring you into conflict with hotkeys that are system-wide, that your OS uses - as well as the game.

Maybe the ability to set the hotkeys on your own perhaps - and put the onus for that on the user instead. That way if the user conflicts with system hotkeys or hotkeys they might have delegated in other programs they are using, thatā€™s on them to deal with.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

The speed multiplier slider is intended to simply increase the game speed constantly by a certain factor to have a more fluid game experience, so I donā€™t want to add hotkeys for that, at least not for a toenail. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Pls help me. I use GrimDawn version 1.7.2. Thank you for help me

Donā€™t use a pirated copy of the game.


I canā€™t believe people with pirated versions of the game think itā€™s ok to pop on to the official forum and get support for a game they did not pay for :flushed: Looks like we need a standard template for response. This one is simple and gets my vote ā€œOh you have a pirated copy of game. Hereā€™s the file you need :fu:. May all your computer systems be full of viruses you piece of work.ā€

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Oh, but they do. This was moved from this thread a while back.

Idiotic logic indeed. :smile:


Just came back after a year or two of absence. Good to see some things never changeā€¦

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The pirated copy discussion? Or GI per se? Welcome back! :smiley:

Hey GG,
Found a weird interaction issue.

You see, Iā€™ve been troubled with GD performance so I was using the core-switcher tool to fix that issue.

Now since I use GI to launch the game, I no longer see a process named Grim Dawn.exe. This basically prevents the core switcher from functioning.

Is there any way one could the core switcher tool without dropping GI as launcher?
If not, could you imbue the logic of that tool (basically prohibiting GD from using default processor core aka 0th core, then enabling it for use again) into GI so that this perf issue doesnā€™t happen?

You need to head over to the core switcher tool by pow bam and ask them to troubleshoot their app for this issue.

But I didnā€™t because the issue is due to GI hiding the process for GD and not because of tool switcher? Have you used both before? If you did, youā€™d know why I posted here rather than at core-switcher.

I have used both before without an issue. GI doesnā€™t hide any processes. If you run just GI and not core switcher what do you see under task manager ?

I just captured this a while ago.

Maybe itā€™s the effect of launching it via steam (added GI to steam library)?process-tree.txt (10.7 KB)

ā€¦and yes, Iā€™ve contacted powbam.

It could be a steam thing. Steam seems to cause lots of challenges.
I use GOG and can see the GD exe while running GI.

How do you launch GD via GI? Do you just run GI64.exe? or do you do something more?

You can forget about this part, I missed that with your mod the life and spirit potions stacks to 999, so when I SHIFT + Left Clicked on them they ended up further down on all the 100 stacks I had of them and did not realize that until recently, so SHIFT + Left Click still works as intended. Sorry about that ! :flushed:

On another note, in regards to my previous question about GOG launcher and the time played. Would it be possible, in some way, that when clicking on the GrimInternal exe that it would launch the game through the GOG shortcut ?? Because if starting the game through that shortcut, then the time still counts.

The path on my PC is: ā€œE:\GOG Galaxy\GalaxyClient.exeā€ /command=runGame /gameId=1449651388 /path=ā€œE:\GOG Galaxy\Games\Grim Dawnā€

Now I am just guessing but the gameid should be the same for everyone that using GOG ?? I have no clue if it is possible to do that though, just curious. Although, the time played isnā€™t that important it would be nice to be able to see how many hours one has spent playing the game. :crazy_face: