When are shields worth it?

LOL. Your story sounds like mine.
“How bad can it be”

“WTF was I thinking”

Block/recov shield is a dead-end road. Resistances, leech, cheat-deaths, and buffs like seals/skill shields (i.e blast shield) I think are better and CHEAPER.

Why are you being so myopic in your perspective?

As far as shields-centered specs go, clearly the mechanics of the game have shifted in favor of retal damage.

So trying to used a shield based spec while ignoring retal is akin to me using a 2H auto attacking build and ignoring things like attack speed.

Of course you’re going to have a terrible experience.

P.S: All the hints are right there for you to see too. Menhir’s bulwark - retal damage. Obelisk - retal damage. Targo’s anvil - retal damage. Shield maiden - retal damage, etc. etc

And you are entitled to it. It just isn’t true, however.

Definitely true, as far as I can tell. The question is: Should it be that way?

I agree with you, sir_spanksalot, that devotions speak a very clear language.

Itemization, at least IMHO, doesn’t. We still have tons of shields in the game, that don’t even have retal damage on them. We even have dedicated tank sets like Markovian, that also don’t include retal. If retal was the “intended” and only way to play S+B, why all these “inferior” items?

There must have been a time, when S+B wasn’t equivalent to “play retal”. And for the sake of build diversity, I’d welcome having strong S+B builds outside of retal. From my limited experience (I mainly focus on Warlords, when it comes to shield characters), I’d say, the only decent non-retal S+B build, that’s still left, is veretragna’s “Carrot Lord”. Apart from that - go retal or don’t use shields…

But markovican warlord does very well.

EDIT: Woops - just saw that you’ve included the carrot lord.

Doesn’t octavius aegis still do well? Virtue aegis too?

There’s Octavius still doing 7-ish in Crucible or better. There’s Voidsoul which is probably gonna rock in

It’s just a matter of over-investing. Imo Overguard is rarely worth more than 7th rank, and Shield Training is a one-pointer. Those skills were overnerfed because of Crate’s overreaction to warlords after SR launch.

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Again… I dunno if I agree mate :confused:

Perhaps on non-retal builds.

What does Overguard or Shield Training contribute to retal dmg? Slightly better proccing of Targo Hammers or Boar, and that’s it. 1% recovery for 1p is too expensive.

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Are these builds using the shields for defense, or just because they need a shield to complete the set/use certain skills? Over here Zantai makes a claim that shields are a reliable way to increase durability on any character. I’m not sure I agree with that general premise based on my experiences, but then neither of my two shield guys are at endgame yet. Of course, since he immediately mentions how kill speed can increase survivablility after that it’s possible the first statement was intended in the very narrow definition where if you stand still and get wailed on without doing anything you’ll survive a little longer with a shield than without, which is probably true.

I’m using it for defence mostly.

Here’s the unpolished GT - https://www.grimtools.com/calc/M2g7W962

It’s basically what I theorycrafted up for HC.

I need my shield recovery/block to be on point because I have to stay close to enemies to damage them with counterstrike.

Funny thing is that while the spec can clear naked crucible with extra spawns in 7:30 - 8:30, buffs/banners don’t affect it.

Imo Overguard is rarely worth more than 7th rank, and Shield Training is a one-pointer. Those skills were overnerfed because of Crate’s overreaction to warlords after SR launch.

Wow. And I thought shield builds were awful before.
I tested my 1.0.6 blocker in the new build. He’s off to the glue factory…
I guess I missed the golden age of 3 weeks.
sigh…oh well.

Shields are fantastic. You guys need to calm down with the whining.

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Next they might start saying good acid gun builds do not exist. Oh wait… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Are. You mean WERE. Soldier

Counter Strike: reduced % Retaliation Damage Added to Attack scaling with rank to 15% by rank 16, 20% by max ultimate rank

Field Command: reduced % Armor scaling at ranks 9+ to 25% by rank 12, 30% by max ultimate rank

Overguard: increased Cooldown to 24s. Reduced % Shield Recovery Time scaling with rank to 35% by rank 12, 45% by max ultimate rank. % Reduced Stun Duration now scales with rank to 50% by rank 12, 60% by max ultimate rank. Increased % Health Regeneration scaling with rank to 135% by rank 12, 220% by max ultimate rank.

Markovian’s Defense: increased Cooldown Reduction to -9.5s. Added -10% Shield Recovery Time and a -18% Total Retaliation damage modifier.

Shield Training: reduced % Shield Recovery Time and % Block Chance scaling with rank to 12% by rank 10, 24% by max ultimate rank

I’m literally giving you video evidence demonstrating how strong shields can be if built right.

In the video above, I literally aggro’d every enemy in every boss chunk from SR 75 - 80, where the game crashed.

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Don’t bother, mate. The evidence means nothing here lol


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Not all shields are built equal. Most are glorified off hands at best.

I want you to make build around Super Meat boy. And that’s not even the worst shield. Just few that are decent. Skyreach for example have nice stats.

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We’re polity disagreeing.
I posted the patch notes showing what it WAS.

If no one ever challenges the entourage echo chamber, forums like this fossilize with the same opinion.

When it comes to ARPGs, GD is at the bottom of the list when it comes to respectable shied builds. My Titan Quest conqueror was alot of fun to play. In GD, it’s like please don’t make this char suck more than it already does, than the nerf hammer comes flying in. Not asking for a D2 Hammerdin.

Why even introduce a new and exciting shield class (Warlord) just to starve it in the crib with an immediate follow-up nerf patch? Solider shield was better if no Oathkeeper ever came out at all. It was a total and clear reversal of trajectory by any measure. The Warder I had is dogfood. Kind of bait and switch.

Like the Fermi Paradox, If S&B builds are great, where are they? Other than an ancient vanilla Warder thread in the builds-guide, they’re missing in action. Strange, right?

New shield build coming…

EDIT: s/^exiting/exciting/g

That’s like saying you want to build an auto attacking build using an off-hand.

Certain itemization dictates certain archetypes.

Sure, there are exceptions (e.g. aegis), but they are exactly that - exceptions

Yes but good build around shield is exception from the rule and not the rule.

It’s like creating decent acid ranged build. Oh wait, not this example again. :smile:


I don’t think it’s an exception. I think we crafters are just hyperfocused on speed clears.

Surely if I use a shield, I should expect my DPS to fall, no?

Just because I’m doing an 8min clear instead of 6, doesn’t mean that the build is bad.