[ -] [S&B Hybrid] The Bottlemage - Spellscourge Battlemage [4:45 Crucible] [SR100] [All Celestials]

how do battlemages see themselves / how do they really look like

I just noticed it’s been four years already since I posted the very first iteration of the build and kept tweaking it till present days. And in the end I really like how just an okayish build for a bad class became one of the tankiest builds in the game for now with decent damage potential. Unfortunately, battlemage will always be a class of two builds, but we can do little with it.


Extra-tanky spec (mostly for safer Calla facetank or extremely deep SR)



  • Weapon and armor - 2 pcs of Targo as it supports BA and synergizes with Spellscourge set itself;

  • Rings - BM is mandatory, second one - I tested Combustion band vs Gargabol, Gargabol felt better to me in terms of damage, though they’re ± equal;

  • Medal - BiS here because of flat to BA;

  • Belt - chose this for extra % damage and %armor, though M. Chains of Oleron will suit well too.


Average time I have is 4:45, with some lucky muts and spawns it does ~4:30.

4:25 run

6:08 ex naked run

Shattered Realm








Avatar of Mogdrogen

Ravager of Minds

Callagadra, Scion of the Sands

Crate of Entertainment - the thing that annoys me the most about this fight is that Crate may easily jump out of Devastation area, making it useless. Also watch out for big crates, they somehow oneshot you.

Summary and thoughts

This is one of my oldest builds that I’ve been playing for 4 years now (?? how’s that long). I remember it being pure meme and then getting a bit better with patches. Now it’s a rock-solid build, a classic tank with mediocre damage but with very good survivability. So I hope you enjoy it!


i guess it is because of the fairly low physical res of 18%. For a facetank build pretty scary, but impressive results being a BA nevertheless!

What can you do, set could’ve had Physical Callidor but instead it has 1h Blade Arc. I like everything about the spec except amulet component (any reason not to boost attack speed with Seal of Annihiliation?) and Internal Trauma augment in weapon (could be flat/OA augment from Bysmiel). Also I am not sure how but maybe try and get it to 2950 DA to avoid unnecessary deaths.


Changed the seals from annihilation to ancestry when got shot by Alex in cruci. But I think some more tests won’t hurt (as for augments too). Will look what’s possible.
Thanks for commenting!

Very similar to my last build ! The main difference are

  • I’m using green pants. I farmed solael a lot!
  • Mark of consumption as a medal. I might remove this one … mainly used for the 8% leech on blade arc.
  • Slightly different divination tree.
  • I have 100% block recovery with overguard

Overall, your build seems to be slighty better. I’m able to do SR170 without dying. Just more slow.


:zantai: is watching you!

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Grimtools is down, can you give information on the build some other way?

Sure, I can PM you and send all required informations&screenshots.

This is the first time I notice this build. Can’t see GT, but build look solid for Battlemage!

With changes of Trozan set and Arcanist mastery, BM is the class with the worst primere build. Warlock can go TSS, Sabo have N&O, Elementalist have Cyclone, Defiler have Blightlord. Battlemage is in the corner, quietly sobbing.

This is very cool, I don’t know how this didn’t turn up in my search before on spellscourge builds. Is the single target damage on bosses/nemesis really poor with just blade arc?

1h BA is bad. Obviously. This is Devastation that’s doing the job.

Do you think it deserves another damage buff or just scrapped in favor of another skill to replace it? If so what would you pick?

Yes, and that’s quiet sad situation that even with profile sets battlemage is the outsider.
But the problem, I think, is a bit more global.

If deserves to be buffed into skies to start dealing good damage.
Or maybe replaced with M. Decret of the Circle of Five proc (greatly reworked and buffed too, tho).
I don’t actually want FW or some Arcanist skill like CT cuz we already have an AoE, and the missing part is AA.

Thanks, I would appreciate a PM with information.

I like the idea of physical CT but at that point it would probably be more effective as Templar over Battlemage even without +skills. Cadence isn’t the most exciting skill but it would be a damage bump with deadly momentum into the mix and you’d have your single target auto attack. It would also help strengthen it as a Battlemage set for its intended purpose.

Agree, Cadence would be a nice variant.

Build info:
77 physique, 30 cunning
Augs: 3 Mankind’s Vigil, Kymon’s Blessing, 2 Coven’s Black Ash, Solarstorm Powder
Rings - 3 Steelbloom Powder
Mallet - Bysmiel’s Cunning, shield - Ravager’s Eye update: new GT link, new videos, some more information about the build added.
Somehow it has become faster in Crucible so shows now mediocre times.

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It’s not anymore Bottommage? I think it’s faster but mostly is your improved piloting I guess, physical BM is bad…

What do you think about Deathstalker Relic, +1 Soldier is big loss, but extra RR?