[] Rotting Putrifier - Acid/Vitality DW Gunslinging Dark One Sentinel (SR65+)

Papa Nurgle summons you forth to spread rot and decay!

The Build

With all permanent buffs including Consecration and Blood of Dreeg. DPS shown is with Righteous Fervor.

Max Damage Setup

Obviously the Gun & Belt affixes are GDStashed, but you don’t need to do that as I show with the setup below. GT is still at so the build is slightly different in-game.

Basic Barebones Setup

The build will perform with a base item (affixes can be anything) Lunal’Valgoth’s Girdle and a Ugdenbog Venom Launcher of Alacrity. Any prefix is good, but get something with more Acid Damage.

Build Features


  • Hybrid Acid/Vitality
  • Great sustain
  • DW Gunslinging fun!
  • Build does not require specific affixes on MI items
  • Not a Purifier, but a Putrifier! :face_vomiting:


  • Run speed is not capped
  • Decent WPS, but I wish Occulist had some too…
Build Overview

Here’s my idea of a Gunslinging Putrifier in Grim Dawn! :faction_dreeg:

This is my approach to a build that I have never seen posted online. I thought up this build in response to a recent thread requesting a DW Acid build. I thought about trying a Hybrid Acid/Vitality Sentinel with all the RR and it turned out to be fun, it looks great and plays great as well. Weapon Damage is pretty solid and all the procs make for the pretty good character.

It’s interesting to note that using the Dreeg’s Reproach Transmuter for Righteous Ferver converts any Physical/Fire damage you pass-through it, so Smite becomes Acid/Vitality. The Fire Damage from Void Rounds is changed as well. Pretty handy to know! This allows you to bypass using Path of the Three and instead you can pump Possession for all the juicy Damage Absorption and free Chaos Resistance.

Let me know what you think and if you have any questions or suggestions! Feedback is always welcome.

Equipment Choices

Try to get maximum Elemental to Vitality/Acid conversion and be sure to craft the Amulet, Ring & Pants for +% Physique.

Core Items:

  • Set: Dark One’s Gift. [Great set all-around and can be farmed]
  • Weapon 1: Ugdenbog Venom Launcher. [45% Elemental to Acid conversion to BoD, Crit Damage, +OA. Get a decent prefix and some Attack Speed]
  • Weapon 2: Mythical Morguul’s Mortality. [Solid Attack Speed, excellent affixes and a nice added RR proc]
  • Belt: Lunal’Valgoth’s Girdle. [~50% Elemental to Vitality conversion, affixes don’t matter]
  • Amulet: Mythical Pesitlence of Dreeg. [+1 Oathkeeper/Occulist, ~25% Chaos to Acid conversion and a handy spreading curse skill]

Using the above items will get you 100% Elemental to Acid/Vitality & ~90% Chaos to Acid/Vitality conversion overall. With all the combined Hybrid RR going with Sentinel, you can deal out decent damage which will not be easily resisted.

Supporting Items:

  • Ring 1: Mythical Deathlord’s Band. [Much needed Attack Speed, Pierce/Elemental Resitances]
  • Ring 2: Mythical Widow’s Sting. [Flat Acid, +2 BoD and it’s craftable, so grab some +% Physique here!]
  • Pants: Mythical Arcane Harmony Leggings. [Huge +DA/+Spirit are needed here]
  • Boots: Mythical Boneshatter Treads. [Nice OA, and some Slow Resistance]
  • Medal: Mythical Korvaak’s Brand. [Necessary to dual wield, but helps to have some extra damage and another WPS]
  • Relic: Meditation. [+~200% Acid/Vitality Damage(!), +~5% Total Speed is great!]
  • Movement Rune: Glyph of the Ravenous Wendigo. [Nice to leech a group as you run through them. Decent Damage.]

Best Setup:

  • Rumor > to Righteous Fervor
  • Twin Fangs > to Bloody Pox
  • Raise the Dead > to Smite (works great since it pierces 100% and hits with both hands!)
  • Guardian’s Gaze > to Curse of Frailty
  • Tainted Eruption > to Guardians of Empyrion (Scions of Dreeg)
  • Abominable Might > to Plague of Rot
  • Ghoulish Hunger > to any permanent buff


  • LMB: Point to Move
  • RMB: Righteous Fervor
  • Mouse Scroll Up/Down: Ascension
  • Keyboard 1: Curse of Frailty
  • Keyboard 2: Blood Pox
  • Keyboard 3: Plague of Rot
  • Keyboard 4: Wendigo Rush
  • Keyboard V: Blood of Dreeg

Standard procedure:

  • Movement rune in.
  • Debuff using CoF, BP and Plague of Rot.
  • Fire away with your guns blazing!
  • Pop Ascension when it gets tough.
  • If you get stunned or frozen, Guardian’s Gaze and Twin Fangs will keep you alive for a few seconds (cross your fingers!).
Build Performance

Shattered Realm:

The build is SR65+, maybe higher. I only checked to see if it’s possible.


I don’t play Crucible, so I’m not sure how it will perform. I am attaching the save file if anybody wants to take a stab at it. Since the build is SR65+ I imagine it can complete 170, but I’m not sure of the time and the buffs/banners required.

My Conclusions

This build is pretty fun and fits the bill for what a Gunslinging Acid/Vitality character should be in my eyes. It was a pleasure theorycrafting and making this build.

I will now backup my existing characters and start fresh with patch leveling this exact character since I can farm all the items in the game pretty easily. I have not started fresh since I first started playing in May 2013 - it should be refreshing and fun for a change. (I hope! :thinking:)

Wish me luck! :grinning:

Enjoy my take on a Gunslinging PUTRIFIER! :faction_dreeg:

Here is the character file, so people can try it out or take it for a spin in the Crucible: _Rotting Putrifier.zip (951.0 KB)


Nice double damage-type concept. Not too common to see.

Charging for a nice heal with Wendigo is an interesting idea.

You could also consider the rune of amatok breath because of the full elemental conversion.


Very Nice :+1:

Maybe you can find new rings helpful


Dark one ranged ? So much win :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Also nice idea with the double damage setup. Both classes have RR so it’s definitely fresh build. No spoils or rotten tomatoes.


Thanks! I’m going to check out the new dungeon to see what I can find there before I start over fresh with this character.

Can’t wait to see what kind of loot changes made to Epics and MIs as I level up! And the new patch is awesome so far.


First 1.1.5 post, first DUAL damage, acid/vit ranged spec.

Damn junkie. Tryna make me step up my game?

Great job! :clap:

P.S: Some suggestions:

  • Move points from ascension into celestial presence. Passive RR is hugely valuable
  • Manticore is definitely worth trying now
  • Actually bind a skill to abominable might :stuck_out_tongue:
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Thanks everybody for the kind words and suggestions! :slight_smile:

Thanks spanks!

I’ll move some points for more RR. Didn’t think to do that! :crazy_face:

Originally I had Manticore, but this build needs as much ADCtH going down the barrels for sustain, so I switched to Revenant instead. I’ll test it out again to see what changes it made.

For some reason, GT messes up with Plague of Rot and won’t show the tooltip on the skill bar and the link drops out all the time. Strange that it happens, but I’ll post a bug report in Dammit’s thread! :slight_smile:

Edit: Updated the GT and build with Prismatic Diamond, removed points from Ascension and moved them accordingly.

Where is that ? :slight_smile:

Oops! I knew I forgot something. I’ll post it in about 45 minutes after my workout.

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Ah fuck yeah dude! I’m definitely gonna try this, I was hoping for a concept following my thread the other day :slight_smile:

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It was a direct result of you posting your build request thread - it got my brain working and this emerged… So thank you! :slight_smile:

Save file is attached to the OP - enjoy! :sunglasses:

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While away this weekend, I realized I could make some improvements for a +20% Damage increase. The following changes were made:

  1. I changed out Serenity for Meditation. I can’t believe I forgot about this relic - it grants +200% Acid/Vitality Damage and 25 Acid/25 Vitality flat damage along with +5% Total Speed. So perfect! :metal:

  2. To compensate for the Aether Resistance loss from swapping out Serenity, I had to swap out the Mythical Cursebearer to add in a Mythical Deathlord’s Band to give me some a huge chunk of Pierce Resistance along with a bunch more Attack Speed. That’s a pretty good trade-off for the loss of an extra -10% Vitality Resistance occasionally…

Now I’ve got over 120k tool-tip DPS and I’m over the cap in Attack Speed when under the effects of Ghoul and the Prismatic Diamond! Not a bad trade-off.

I updated the screenshot, both GT links and also put up the new save file for people to peruse. Enjoy! :sunglasses:

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I got really confused reading this because I read the title as “Purifier - Acid/Vitality”.

Really, really cool setup though, nicely done.

Thanks! I think it’s the perfect twist and perversion on the traditional Gunslinger class combo. :smiling_imp:

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I wanted a cool Acid/Vitality dw ranged build for v1.1.9.6 update, so I took inspiration from this piece (I referred to it as a breakthrough to break the deadlock, especially in the constellation building, to be precise).
If I decide to post the my Acid/Vitality two gun build on the forum, may I credit this build page?

(Sorry for the poor machine translation)

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Sure! Good luck with your DW ranged build - the more posted here the merrier! :sunglasses:

By the way, I never updated this build, so here is my latest build using no greens.

Rotting Putrifier
Rotting Putrifier


Your build is mine bro LOL
Do you have some advise for skill and devotion to leveling?