2H Forcewave is popular option for leveling Soldier based characters, it’s easy and straightforward. End game FW don’t scale that well but I want to show proper end game version for the Warlord class.
*Both build and guide are completely remade for patch.
- pic with permanent buffs, DPS for Forcewave
The most crucial item is Stonefist Rebuke, boosting FW skill, adding cast speed, physical resistance and +2 all Soldier skills. Also Gladiator’s Belt and Sigil of Bear King medal are very important items.
Relic+head, decided to use items for RR boost, Ravager head for +1 all skills and RR proc and Deathstalker relic. Defensively you could go with Serenity relic + helm with FW/Ascension mod.
Assassins’ Mark on Forcewave is always good start for physical builds. Also Scales for healing and flat RR is crucial for this build. Kraken is basically mandatory for any 2H builds. I also decided to use Dire Bear for armor shred, since this build is purely physical and non-converted from other damage types, so physical damage have to go through enemies armor. Also used is Empyrion devotion as T3, also options are Azraaka or Oleron.
Build can do with ease 4x runs in Crucible, did just one run, time could be faster with more playing time - 5:21
Did also SR 85 and Mogrogen super boss. Ravager, died close to win with consumables, so I can conclude isn’t worth trying it on this particular setup.