This is an anniversary post to list all the builds I have shared with you last year and ofc to give you a new one. Let’s see what we have so far.
All these toons are No-Green builds, can kill Ravager, AoM and Calla (quicker or slower) and can do at least SR80 (mainly because my piloting is not that good ) without consumables:
Poster boy – Aegis of Reckoning Fire Templar
Cold bitch – Deathmarked Cold Spellbreaker
Judge Dredd – Siegebreaker Physical Tactician
Mogdrogen’s come-by-chance child – Ultos’ Savagery/Upheaval Druid
Evil Dude – Dark One’s Vitality Conjurer
Wizard Academy dropout – Chaos Callidor’s Tempest Warlock
I like all of them.
And now for the magnificent seventh. I did not plan to do a new build this close to my last but it seems my addiction kicked in.
When I wanted to kill Calla with my last toon, the Chaos CT Warlock, I realized that I am out of celestial essences. All right, lets go and farm Morgoneth as he drops it with quite good odds. Well, after ~30 runs I had ZERO!!! celestial essences but got 3 Nightbringers. I took that as a message.
So, Nightbringer it is. It gives +2 to Shaman, so that mastery was obvious, and here is when the theme comes in. I found the idea hilarious, that a Shaman wakes from a really bad ayahuasca trip (talked with the wrong spirits) half-possessed, everything hurts, raging with an insatiable hunger for violence and blood, grabs the first thing near her arm, which in our case is one of the most potent magical artifact in the world, the wizard staff of Morgoneth… and start using it as a beating stick. Savagery seemed an honest candidate and as I have not done Necromancer before I wanted to try it out. It also fit the theme (and has vitality+elemental damage what we need) perfectly. I started to build along these lines. Savagery Ritualist with as much adcth and life leech skills as I can get. The result is an “auto-attack WPS build” with 9 additional active skills what we actually use.
This toon is as softcore as it can get and by far the hardest of my builds to pilot, but I find it’s gameplay very exciting, entertaining and last but not least, rewarding. I poured all my current knowledge in it about “how to kill superbosses in GD” and it turned out to be quite good at this task. Here you go:
Let’s see the results:
In SR generally you push forward as hard as you can get as while standing it have -200hp/sec due to hungering void, which is up 20 sec and down 4,3 sec with average CDR rolls. Savagery has 50% adcth and this is backed by a few other life leech shenanigans. Devouring swarm, Wendigo totem, Kilrian’s flame, Siphon souls from Wendigomane leggings and from Necro skill, Feral hunger and Reaping strike from the WPS department. DPS comes from really heavy savagery wps hits, vitality/bleeding dots and summon hits. I dont know the actual ratio but it feels quite even. The funny thing about this one is that in higher SRs (I pushed it to 85 as I haven"t got time and the anniversary is upon us) the challenge is to get to shard 4 and not beating shard 4. If you reach it without dying you are ok, you will destroy the bosses.
Super Bosses:
It would have been really neat to close this year with a build which kills the three superbosses under 1 minute, but Calla is not realistic although we are not that far.
Avatar of Mogdrogen 54 sec – I am kind of proud of this kill. 1.2 Mog is no joke. Nice to stomp him like this.
Ravager of Flesh 54 sec – I never done something like this before, but to be able to kill him reliably we need to change one piece of gear to solve the energy leech issue. Replace Mythical String of Maggots with Mythical Girdle of Stolen Dreams, preferably with a fat energy leech roll. It fits the build, nothing else is changed. Another solution could be Scales of Ulcama devo but I wanted my skellies. The drill is the same as with my spellbreaker. When you see the eye icon in your debuff bar, press Reaping Arc to which I have attached Cleansing Waters from Ulo and you are safe. In theory you can kill it with Maggots if you are insanely lucky with your energy leech procs but that is very unlikely. Even with Stolen Dreams I have a 50% success rate killing him because of the energy leech rng.
Callagadra 1:16 – Fumble really hurts but 1:16 is not a bad result imo.
As always, constructive criticism is welcome.
Happy Gaming!