*Mad Lee playing soldier based build??
That’s going to be a short guide since I never really play Soldier builds and this character is entirely GDstashed and GDdefiled from Veteragna’s Markovian Witchblade that I was testing earlier (actually green boots are one thing that are not GD stashed). I was actually trying out my old concept of 2H Physical Death Knight with a rotation of nuke skills (turned out to be meh), but decided to try 2H Blood Knight instead and it turned out to be a pretty fun and strong build.
Build Concept
In your face 2-handed melee combat playstyle
This build can withstand a lot of heat and facetank most Crucible Nemeses combinations and it has two big nuke skills for players who like big damage numbers! And you are swinging very big two-handed weapon very fast!
Tonns of ADTCH and a lot of fail-safe mechanisms
While having already decent DA/Armor/Physical resist we also have Mark of Torment/Menhir’s Will/Bloodthirster to fall back on when shit hits the fan.
No green items needed
I actually tested it both with green boots and with legendary boots and both setups performed the same more or less.
The Build
Gear/Skill and Devotions
I am not going into details here since it’s a short guide, but I have tested quite a few combinations of items/skill points allocations/devotion setups before coming to this. This is the setup that I found optimal. Feel free to change stuff to your liking or suggest anything in the comments though.
The Showdown
How to play
Usually it’s in your face and straight forward. We do have to position smartly though and time our Mark of Torment/Bloodthirster versus dangerous waves that have Grava and Reaper. Just move out of the Grava’s fumble and finish him first, than kill Reaper. Maybe dodge Alex’s meteors. Maybe don’t.
With all permanent buffs
Bone Harvest tooltip with Hungering Void, Deadly Momentum and Soul Harvest (plus almost capped attack speed)
Builds Pros and Cons:
- Unkillable if played smartly
- Consistent Crucible farmer
- Easy to play
- Vitality damage is the weakest among all damage types when supported by just one mastery
>>>[COLOR=“Red”]This soundtrack is required[/COLOR]<<< to be played in another tab while watching the runs without sound
150-170 Crucible (with green boots)
150-170 Crucible (no greens setup)
In Conclusion
That was a fun experience, making a 2H Blood Knight, but I am still not playing Soldiers and removing it from my save folder :p.
Thanks to Valinov for pointing out that Wildblood Crusher is very powerful for vitality Bone Harvest because modifier doesn’t affect its damage type.