[Tool] GD Defiler

The publish version has been deprecated, please download the new installer below. (4/2/2023)
-Improved auto-update support.
-Confirmation is required to save a character while the game is running to try to avoid adverse effects such as character resets.
-GD Defiler no longer requires administrative rights to run, going forward it will request elevation if needed.
-Updated to target .NET Framework 4.8.
-Updated GD loot filter tab to match actual in-game screen again.
-GD loot filter tab is now fully functional.
-Fixed logic for GD save character if game is running being backwards.

There will be builds newer than what is noted in this post! This is mainly so people checking the OP see that it is being updated again.

Known Issues
Please note that attempting to load beta builds of Grim Dawn characters will cause an exception (typically block version mismatches), this is intentional. :slight_smile:

Also the error reporting is currently broken due to changing web host providers (a long time ago), this will be fixed in a future release.

DISCLAIMER/NOTICE: This tool and its author are in no way affiliated with Crate Entertainment! They will not provide support for it or be responsible for anything that happens to your game through the use of it!

Here is the download link for the GD Defiler:

PayPal donation link for those who are interested:



Loved your Defiler for TQ! I used it to test out level cap builds and it did wonders. Cant wait to see what you are working on for GD.:smiley:

Man, I think I love you :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for doing this, the community will love it!

clicks furiously on tabs and menus Grrrr… I want to see what’s in all the hidden places!

Looks good so far. Are you combining TQ Defiler into this? Also curious, is there a larger reason for being able to have multiple characters open at once, or is it just for convenience?

You’re legendary!

looks good, can’t wait to try it out,

Awesome :slight_smile: Can’t wait to put my hands on it :smiley:

Once it’s more in a tested and stable state I may add more testers to go through things…and yes TQ Defiler is being combined with this, from the screenshot you can see there is a list of characters by game and it’s currently capable of loading any of them and modifying them (with exception of a few things such as waypoints, loads but no modify yet).

The multiple characters is more for convenience, and possibly at some point being able to easily copy/paste things between your characters…maybe a shortcut to move money around or an item? That and to be able to easily compare characters or backups. You can do a ‘File–>Open’ in this so you can open any character file you have, including backups…which are done much better this time around.

All the characters listed are now “peaked”, meaning it partially loads them all on startup to get type, name, character level, and hardcore or not (for GD) so the list is much more accurate than the TQ Defiler as well. One of the biggest things I wanted to do with TQ Defiler but was unable to due to the time it would take to rewrite it (again) was having a true Save/Save As added, and that is how this editor functions.


This is great news. Thank you for all your hard work!

One feature I would like to see is to choose prefix and suffix on an item (out of the allowable ones if that is easy, otherwise out of the available ones), could get a lot of use out of that :smiley:

I’m very excited for this and looking forward to it. It was invaluable for me when playing TQIT. Thanks for keeping the project going!

Very happy to see you are bringing the defiler to Grim Dawn:)

Wow, good to see the Defiler return, as that was what directed me to Grim Dawn. Would’ve probably only found out about it late into development if I didn’t decide to look it up one day when I saw the message pop up on the Defiler. :wink: Cheers Soul!
Younghappy :slight_smile:

Can someone explain to me what exactly the defiler is? I’ve never heard of it before, and it seems useful.

Basically it’s a load of tickable and un-tickable boxes where you can select things like “increased drop rates from chests” or “enemies drop green and higher”, and you can also give yourself endless currency, etc. Basically a fun little program to use when testing stuff or you want to feel OP (in the Titan Quest Defiler there was a tickable box for “increased enemy ragdoll effect”). :smiley:

A screenshot:

It’s mainly recommeded for it’s RNG and Slow Cast fixes, but I for one also like to use freeze time of day and infinite stacking potions among other things. No change is permenant, you simply untick a box when you don’t want to use that particular mod any more and can tick it again if you do.

I really wish someone had designed something like this for D2 because half my miniscule portalable stash has potions in it, each one just one dose. Really annoying. I’ve got PlugY installed which is great for the private stash, but does nothing for the portalable one. :cry:

So you want to create something like the Hero editor for D2?

Do not add a feature to edit deaths or revive dead hc heroes. Pretty please :slight_smile:

I believe you can just make a backup copy of the save-game of your living HC character. If the character dies, you can always load in the backup again.

Absolutely no mod/cheat/hack required for that.