Hi everybody it is Friday so I celebrate with another build.
This is Oprahssor - Physical Ravenous Judgment Oppressor. Further down you can read about Acid Ravenous Earth version.
Idea with build was to make a Ravenous Earth Oppressor. We all know about vitality build and fire build, see this for examples Fire oppressor by Rektbyprotoss, Vitality Oppressor by madlee and Vitality oppressor by x1x1x1x2. So I wanted to try something else.
I first made Acid/Poison Ravenous - but it was not that strong (damage ok but sustaining was problem. is posted further down for completness). So I took that char, made back up, and then renamed char in GD stash and equipped it (with legit found items, I only use GD stash for muling and changing character names and gender - yes I might be bit queer lol). Ended up with physical version. Feature nice color for ravenous skill since it kind of looks like puke and shit combination in raw form lol.
Color scheme of physical ravenous.
I play self found gear, and all alone. I only use GD stash for saving items and searching for them. I level up my chars using speed level technique similar to Rektbyprotoss. My build-style is to try and make non-standard builds often centered around a concept or fun item that I find and not sets and such (here I use many Krieg set items never the less). Sometimes build won’t work but sometimes you get nice surprises which I like. Also English is not my best language but perhaps you guys and girls understand
Grim Tools link https://www.grimtools.com/calc/d2jDYxlZ
Stats window with no ascension skill on.
- Krieg set minus helmet, to get +1 necromancer skill levels and + physical damage percentage.
- Corruptian axe which is build creator in some sense
- off hand Mythical tome of names - physical bonus, cooldown, and nice proc with resistnace removal.
- Mythical gladiator belt - converts our healing skills to physical damage. Good OA.
- Pants - mythical demonbane. I liked this better than Barbaros pant here for the defenses.
- Serenity relic good defense. But maybe deathstalker is better for resistance removal. I like to be safe because my play skills are shit.
- Seal of sethris ring- epic version since I do not have found mythical yet.
- Coven storm seal ring - maybe weak ring here I could not think of better. Maybe matriarch ring for resistance removal better.
- Kaisan amulet with crowd control resists - I took best I have for the build. They are hard to farm so use what you can gather.
- Medal - Basilisk crest, obvious for casting ravenous more frequent. Same here I used best I got (I used another for acid ravenous build). These are “easy” to farm.
Components and augments:
- Nothing weird I think. Seal of might x 2 for defenses. Rest just cover OA, DA and resistance
- Maxing ravenous and decay was obvious.
- Siphon soul for heal. Maybe max it and let blood boil be just one point?
- Judgment for some (small) trauma and (huge) DA removal so we crit lots.
- Rest is also obvious I think.
- Here I took bat and tip of scales to get heal. Also good energy regen and (not good) resistance removal.
- Assassin mark for more resistance removal.
- Owl and Crane for reduction of reflection damage (maybe over-kill here?)
- Chariot for OA and nice crowd control resist. Also crown is good for this. Yes we have ascension but its not up all the time.
- Ulzaad + Askara for physical damage.
I have done around ten SR 65-66 runs and it is very doable. Not superfast but doable. Some time timer ran out because of Theodin boss with phases (I hate that dude). Will try harder shards if I get some feedback for improving.
Casting speed is low, a bit problem when you wanna cast spells and then kite a bit. Lucky we have some armor and physical resistances to maybe take one extra hit. Also big life helps.
Main campaign stuff is easy but not fast. Lokarr I needed kite some. Have not tried any other celestial boss.
Crucible I have not played in loooong time. It just takes too much time to get to 150 so not worth it considering that I level up all my characters.
Also note my devotions are not max level (only bat is) because I changed char from acid raveous.
Picture end of a SR65 boss room:
leveled this char “speed level” style using tokens, Lokarrs set and experience potions. I played with vitality ravenous earth until I got to level 94 in about 9 hours or so. As mentioned, first endgame build I made was acid ravenous. But I did a copy of char and tried this one which I liked better. Will post acid version later further down I think.
I still try to improve this method and my execution of it but it is not main focus for my playing You guys wanna check out Rektbyprotoss video guides on youtube if you wanna learn more.
This concludes build, thanks for reading let me know if you have questions or suggestions of improvements.
Build credits:
I also wanna say I am happy with joining forum. Much more intelligent and orgainzed discussion than on reddit
thank you all for interactions and discussions.