I saw that there are no aether 2H melee Death Knights on this forum using Cadence or Blade Arc so I decided to make them. Core of both builds is Krieg’s set with Scion of the Screaming Veil. Blade Arc build is a little more offensive, Cadence build is a little more defensive. Cadence build has better lifeleech and petrification proc on medal is nice and useful. I have decided to not go with items that give bonus physical damage to Blade Arc because I have almost no conversion of physical damage to aether. Blade Arc version is also more expensive to build due to specific affixes. Blade Arc build needs energy potions from time to time (not too much, it is still MC viable with its energy regen). Neither of these builds stands above the other. Both builds can do SR 80 easily. Aether Cadence and Blade Arc are better than chaos versions which I have made here. Chaos builds have more RR and more DPS yet chaos builds are behind as is usually the case.
I have other Cadence builds here. I have other aether melee builds here. All my builds are here.
Here is a list comparing all my Cadence builds from best to worst. All are at least SR 65-66 capable.
Oleron – great build, 2H melee physical, good offensively and very powerful defensively
Aether Crusher – great build, 2H melee aether, offensively a little weaker than Oleron, defensively noticably weaker than Oleron
Ultos – great build, 2H melee lightning, offensively noticably weaker than Aether Crusher, defensively a little weaker than Oleron
Chaotic Crusher – great build, 2H melee chaos, offensively similar to Aether Crusher, defensively noticably weaker than Aether Crusher
Amatok – great build, 2H melee cold, offensively a little weaker than Chaotic Crusher, defensively a little weaker than Chaotic Crusher
Ele Mental – good build, 2H melee elemental, offensively a little weaker than Ultos, defensively a little weaker than Aether Crusher
Empyrion – good build, 2H melee fire, offensively a little weaker than Amatok, defensively a little weaker than Amatok
Rattosh – good build, 2H melee vitality, offensively similar to Amatok, defensively a little weaker than Empyrion
Version 1 - Cadence - Aether Crusher
This build has better single target and weaker AoE than Blade Arc. It is also cheaper to build.
Build has one monster infrequent item - Ugdenbog Girdle. Affixes are chosen for aether damage and OA. Crafting bonus on the amulet is to stun resistance.
Stats of the build
high DPS from 140k to 210k
high base weapon damage
high attack speed 173 %
low critical damage - 20 %
OK OA - base around 2900 OA (with Fighting Spirit close to 3100 OA)
55 DA reduction to enemies from Annihilation
good aether resistance reduction - from Spectral Wrath, Arcane Bomb and Revenant (Krieg’s Wrath) - up to - 90 %
damage from devotions - Arcane Bomb, Spear of the Heavens and Revenant
OK life around 18500 HP
OK base DA around 2900 DA
150 OA reduction to enemies from Annihilation and Arcane Bomb
nice lifesteal 31 %
high CC resistances
reasonably overcapped resistances
OK armor - around 2750
OK physical resistance 25 %
damage reduction from Ill Omen
Menhir’s Will
Prismatic Rage from component
Mark of Torment
image from the game with passive buffs only
image from the game with passive buffs + Deadly Momentum, Soul Harvest and Fighting Spirit
Version 2 - Blade Arc - Aether Smasher
This build has better AoE and weaker single target than Cadence. For additional damage this build uses Bone Harvest. It is also more expensive to build.
Build has three monster infrequent items - Ugdenbog Girdle, Mark of Plagius and Kaisan’s Burning Eye. Affixes are chosen for Blade Arc, aether damage, AS and OA. Getting affixes for Blade Arc is very expensive here.
Stats of the build
high DPS from 130k to 170k
high base weapon damage
high attack speed 178 %
low critical damage - 20 %
OK OA - base around 2900 OA (with Fighting Spirit around 3200 OA)
55 DA reduction to enemies from Annihilation
good aether resistance reduction - from Spectral Wrath, Arcane Bomb and Revenant (Krieg’s Wrath) - up to - 90 %
damage from devotions - Arcane Bomb, Spear of the Heavens and Revenant
OK life around 18500 HP
OK base DA around 2900 DA
150 OA reduction to enemies from Annihilation and Arcane Bomb
nice lifesteal 34 %
high CC resistances
reasonably overcapped resistances
OK armor - around 2700
OK physical resistance 25 %
damage reduction from Ravenous Earth
Menhir’s Will
Prismatic Rage from component
Mark of Torment
image from the game with passive buffs only
image from the game with passive buffs + Soul Harvest and Fighting Spirit
I play SR with camera pointed away from enemies and I try my builds only in SR 65-66 and SR 80. I play around 10 SR runs per character.
Both builds do SR 80 easily and no boss is a problem. Use Mark of Torment if necessary. They can go higher.
I don’t play Crucible so I don’t have a time number for it.