Next in the line of my Cadence builds is 2H physical Cadence. Typical class for such build is a mastery combo that has two physical RR’s. I have decided to no go this route. Tankiest class combo for 2H melee is Warder. There is an option to play physical Cadence Warder with Voldrak’s Crusher but such a build would be weaker than what I had in mind. Nature’s Avenger set gives bonuses to Warder’s WPS and is supposed to be played with Savagery but I will use it with Cadence instead. The result is just stunning - I think by far the best 2H melee Cadence build. Great AoE of 5-7 enemies every 2 out of 3 hits + Upheaval on crits. Cadence and Zolhan’s Technique deal very high damage and Feral Hunger heals. Cadence deals 484 % WD and ZT deals 305 % WD. Build also has high weapon damage to compensate for less physical RR. Wendigo Totem heals for 2900 HP/s and health regeneration is with Avenger’s set proc 1700 HP/s. Total healing is therefore 4600 HP/s + ADCtH and Scales (non converted). Base physical resistance is only 18 % but Avenger’s proc is always up and with it the build has 40 % physical resistance. The build does SR 80 very easily and can kill Ravager.
I have other Cadence builds here. I have other physical melee builds here. All my builds are here.
Here is a list comparing all my Cadence builds from best to worst. All are at least SR 65-66 capable.
Oleron – great build, 2H melee physical, good offensively and very powerful defensively
Aether Crusher – great build, 2H melee aether, offensively a little weaker than Oleron, defensively noticably weaker than Oleron
Ultos – great build, 2H melee lightning, offensively noticably weaker than Aether Crusher, defensively a little weaker than Oleron
Chaotic Crusher – great build, 2H melee chaos, offensively similar to Aether Crusher, defensively noticably weaker than Aether Crusher
Amatok – great build, 2H melee cold, offensively a little weaker than Chaotic Crusher, defensively a little weaker than Chaotic Crusher
Ele Mental – good build, 2H melee elemental, offensively a little weaker than Ultos, defensively a little weaker than Aether Crusher
Empyrion – good build, 2H melee fire, offensively a little weaker than Amatok, defensively a little weaker than Amatok
Rattosh – good build, 2H melee vitality, offensively similar to Amatok, defensively a little weaker than Empyrion
Build uses one monster infrequent item - Mogarra’s Fangs. You want affixes for elemental resistance. Crafting bonuses on chest, helm and boots are to stun (1x), slow (1x) and freeze (1x) resistances.
Stats of the build
nice DPS from 210k to 330k
OK base OA - around 2950 OA, high OA when Fighting Spirit is up (above 3200 OA)
low crit damage - 26 %
OK physical RR from War Cry (and Scales for more consistency), ring and Assassin’s Mark - up to -81 %
great life (you don’t have to worry to take some damage) - close to 18 000 health
OK base DA - around 2900 DA
lifesteal is 21 % (with Wendigo Totem)
maxed resistances with reasonably decent overcap
good CC resistances
nice physical resistance 40 % with proc up
good armor above 2400
healing from Scales and Wendigo Totem
% damage reduction from War Cry
Prismatic Rage from component
Menhir’s Will
image from the game with passive buffs only
image from the game with passive buffs + Blood Pact and Deadly Momentum (always up)
image from the game with passive buffs + Blood Pact, Deadly Momentum, Fighting Spirit, Battle Cry, Ulzaad’s Decree and Windshear
I play SR with camera pointed away from enemies and I try my builds only in SR 65-66 and SR 80. I play around 10 SR runs per character.
This build does SR 80 very easily. No boss is a problem. It can go a lot higher if you are a skilled player.
I don’t play Crucible so I don’t have a time number for it.
I killed Ravager with potions in slightly above 3:30 min. I facetanked him the whole time. First half can be done without pharma. Second phase can be done without pharma as well but you will have to disengage couple of times and it will take a bit more time. I fight only with Ravager because I like his helm.