[] Two 2H melee Witchblades - chaos Cadence and chaos Blade Arc, SR 80+


I saw that there are no chaos 2H melee Witchblades on this forum lately so I decided to make them. Core of the builds is Rah’Zin’s set with Obsidian Juggernaut. The weapon has no attack speed so you have to get it elsewhere. You get nice chaos RR to Curse of Frailty from these items. Total chaos RR is -117 % for both versions. Both builds have decent ADCtH. Hardest with both builds was to get enough OA and DA. I did not go full DPS in devotions because other stats would be lacking but damage is still decent (far over 200k DPS for both with buffs). I went for Dying God + Hourglass for almost 100 % uptime on Dying God. Cadence version has weaker AoE and better single target damage than the Blade Arc version. For better AoE I went on Cadence version with Eldritch Pact relic and Fleshwarped Casque helm that gives % WD to War Cry and lowers its cooldwn. This item actually makes a difference in this build (I tried Ekket’Zul’s helm before that). You have big WD so it is good AoE and you have almost 100 % uptime for War Cry’s damage reduction. Neither of these two builds stands above the other. Both can do SR 80. I also have 2H melee aether Cadence and Blade Arc here.

I have other Cadence builds here. I have other chaos melee builds here. All my builds are here.

Here is a list comparing all my Cadence builds from best to worst. All are at least SR 65-66 capable.
  1. Oleron – great build, 2H melee physical, good offensively and very powerful defensively

  2. Aether Crusher – great build, 2H melee aether, offensively a little weaker than Oleron, defensively noticably weaker than Oleron

  3. Ultos – great build, 2H melee lightning, offensively noticably weaker than Aether Crusher, defensively a little weaker than Oleron

  4. Chaotic Crusher – great build, 2H melee chaos, offensively similar to Aether Crusher, defensively noticably weaker than Aether Crusher

  5. Amatok – great build, 2H melee cold, offensively a little weaker than Chaotic Crusher, defensively a little weaker than Chaotic Crusher

  6. Ele Mental – good build, 2H melee elemental, offensively a little weaker than Ultos, defensively a little weaker than Aether Crusher

  7. Empyrion – good build, 2H melee fire, offensively a little weaker than Amatok, defensively a little weaker than Amatok

  8. Rattosh – good build, 2H melee vitality, offensively similar to Amatok, defensively a little weaker than Empyrion

Version 1 - Cadence - Chaotic Crusher

This build has better single target and weaker AoE than Blade Arc.

GRIMTOOLS https://www.grimtools.com/calc/L2JYOM4N

Build has one monster infrequent item - Fleshwarped Casque. Affixes are chosen for OA and DA.

Stats of the build


high DPS from 170k to 250k

high base weapon damage

high attack speed 177 % (187 % with Hungering Void)

low critical damage - 15 % (33 % with Hungering Void)

OK OA - base around 2900 OA (with Fighting Spirit around 3150 OA)

up to 225 DA reduction to enemies from Annihilation and Rylok Wings

good chaos resistance reduction - from Curse of Frailty, both Rings, Eldritch Fire and Revenant - up to - 117 %

damage from devotions - Eldritch Fire


OK life close to 16000 HP

OKish base DA above 2850 DA

up to 300 OA reduction to enemies from Annihilation, Bloody Pox and Rylok Wings

good lifesteal 19 %

high CC resistances

reasonably overcapped resistances

OK armor - around 2700

OK physical resistance 29 %

% damage reduction from War Cry

% damage absorption from Possession

Giant’s Blood

Menhir’s Will

Prismatic Rage from component

image from the game with passive buffs only


image from the game with passive buffs + Deadly Momentum, Fighting Spirit and Hungering Void


Version 2 - Blade Arc - Chaotic Smasher

This build has weaker single target and better AoE than Cadence.

GRIMTOOLS https://www.grimtools.com/calc/w26oRPbV

Build has one green item that you can craft - Stoneplate Greaves. Affixes are chosen for chaos damage and OA, DA. Crafting bonus is for freeze resistance.

Stats of the build


high DPS from 180k to 230k

high base weapon damage

high attack speed 180 % (190 % with Hungering Void)

low critical damage - 15 % (33 % with Hungering Void)

OKish OA - base around 2850 OA (with Fighting Spirit around 3100 OA)

225 DA reduction to enemies from Annihilation and Rylok Wings

good chaos resistance reduction - from Curse of Frailty, both Rings, Eldritch Fire and Revenant - up to - 117 %

damage from devotions - Eldritch Fire


OK life close to 15000 HP

lower DA around 2800 DA

up to 300 OA reduction to enemies from Annihilation, Bloody Pox and Rylok Wings

good lifesteal 19 %

high CC resistances

reasonably overcapped resistances

OK armor - around 2800

OK physical resistance 32 %

% damage reduction from War Cry

% damage absorption from Possession

Giant’s Blood

Menhir’s Will

Prismatic Rage from component

image from the game with passive buffs only


image from the game with passive buffs + Fighting Spirit and Hungering Void



I play SR with camera pointed away from enemies and I try my builds only in SR 65-66 and SR 80. I play around 10 SR runs per character.

Cadence build - It can do SR 80. Reaper is not that difficult to fight. Zantarin is sometimes OK and sometimes it is very hard to lifeleech from him. Avoid green ground damage and don’t stand in the middle of large packs of mobs.

Blade Arc build - It can do SR 80. The first three shards are relatively OK. Reaper is tougher but doable. Zantarin is sometimes OK and sometimes it is very hard to lifeleech from him. Avoid green ground damage and don’t stand in the middle of large packs of mobs.

I don’t play Crucible so I don’t have a time number for it.

Images from SR 80

Images for Cadence build

Images for Blade Arc build


Very cool. I am a fan of the Blade Arc version myself. I didn’t know the hourglass also works for the devotion cooldowns so i learned something. I would personally maybe try and go for abomination.

If you would try that it would be hard to have other stats good. Also you would have no Ghoul.

you are right no ghoul. This is what i tried https://www.grimtools.com/calc/L2J15l7N

ow and for point rr i did the warcry mod thingy since no reaper either.

Slow resistance is awful in your version.

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Actually if you don’t go for Revenant (which chaos builds do in their standard devo map). You can pick up both Ghoul and Bat https://www.grimtools.com/calc/m23mrXQZ You can go for War Cry transmuter instead with Soldier here as you have done.
But still awful slow res. But it can be fixed I am sure.

But I still don’t think that you can get this way something that is a lot better.

just craft better boots


Yes it is doable but I think that having Dying God + Hourglass is still better.

ah, ok but yes doable that is my point. Possibly more bang for your buck. btw nice solution with bat…

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This would have more peak damage but I don’t think that on average it would be better. Other stats are worse.

This is also more similar to Nery’s version.

to be fair it just takes testing doesn’t it. Thinking unless you are some genius does only half the work. I don’t really see how the stats are much worse.

Lower lifesteal, lower phys res. Not consistent DPS. It is also about one’s preferences. I build builds that I like to play.

in this version you made i think all stats are fine enough lifesteal, higher average damage.

If you like it better then why not. I like more the one I posted.

Thank you for sharing @Duchy . Reminds me of my Witchblade after AoM which had a chaos purpose but ended up elsewhere. Gonna give your BA setup a fresh start. Cheers!

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I made some changes in both builds to make them less squishy. Surprisingly changing Ghoul for Behemoth did the job. I long suspected that squishiness of vitality and chaos melee builds is caused by that -308 HP/s on Dying God. If it is mitigated with enough HP regen then the squishiness can be mostly (not entirely) eliminated.

hey, i adapted some stuff of the blade arc version to my witchblade, mostly the gear. but i use doom bolt and sigil of consumption and i know it is not optimal but removing them is not an option =D

for the vitality damage i have to just get by with the low vitality % modifiers
and since there is fire damage on the sigil, would it be good (for my bad build) to replace the combustion band and give up the -8% RR for a second voidheart for more fire to chaos conversion ?


Build maker is nerfed, enjoying a 1k year vacation / ban :palm_tree: :desert_island: :tropical_drink:

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