[REL] Grim UI


Compatible with game version

Burrwitch and Malmouth UI themes are user interface replacements for Grim Dawn + Ashes of Malmouth + Forgotten Gods expansions. Support for the base game without expansions and the Crucible DLC are included.

The Add-Ons section below contains alternate UI elements and mod resources. I’ve also provided custom UI theme support for the following mods:

  • Dawn of Masteries
  • Grimarillion

The X-Mod expands various components of the user interface such as the smuggler’s inventory space. UI theme support is also included.

The Archive section below contains projects that are no longer in development, however, official patch compatibility updates will continue.

Feel free to use any files or mods, in whole or in part, with any projects you’re working on so long as they are not for profit and/or donations of any kind. Furthermore, please give the appropriate credit pertaining to anything you use. Thank you!


Divider UI Themes_2

About the UI themes

The UI’s consist of .tex files that become a “texture override” when installed correctly. They are 100% cosmetic only and will not:

  • Modify any aspects of game play.
  • Change the location of any UI element, such as a button.
  • Affect your character’s progression.
  • Cause any stash problems.

Easy customization. If there is a particular aspect of a theme you don’t like, just delete that file or folder. You can take individual parts of each theme and combine them to create your own version as well. If you aren’t sure, just ask and I’ll be glad to help. A screen shot with your post would be great.

Use with other mods is at your discretion. You may have compatibility issues if you use a theme with another mod that includes edits to the UI. These issues are harmless and easily fixed with a simple file or folder delete within the theme.

They’re multiplayer friendly, meaning, everyone in the session does not need to have a theme installed in order to play together.

Installation is easy. Just extract the .zip file into your “Settings” directory. There are two options for this:

  • You can use the default “Settings” directory located in “C:\Users\UserName\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn”.
  • The other option, which I use, is to create a “Settings” directory in the Grim Dawn installation directory.

Base game only setup:

  • In “UI”, rename the “caravan” and “skills” folders by adding the suffix “_dlc” first. If you don’t own both of the DLCs, you can delete these folders instead. Next, remove the “_vanilla” suffix from “caravan_vanilla” and “skills_vanilla” folders.

NamePlate Burrwitch UI

Burrwitch UI Theme 1.21.zip (22 Jun 2024)

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NamePlate Malmouth

Malmouth UI Theme 1.12.zip (22 Jun 2024)

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Divider Add-Ons_2


Red "Toggle Hide All Items (Loot Filter)"

Extract the file to “UI\hud”.

  • In order for this to function properly, make sure you set the keybinding for “Toggle Hide All Items (Loot Filter)”. If you don’t, you can’t toggle it off thus the red button won’t appear.

HUD_LootModeButtonDisabled.zip (1.6 KB) (5 Aug 2019)

Hide the compass' north indicator

Extract the file to “UI\mapaerial”.

MapSymbol_North.zip (985 Bytes) (4 Jan 2023)

MapSymbol_NorthMapSymbol_North Hidden


Codex Window Selected Text Color

An improved contrasting color to compliment all of the Grim UI themes.

The file contains database records that need to be merged with your mod in order to function.

Codex Window Selected Text Color.zip (2.2 KB) (15 Jan 2020)

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front210’s Bonus Add-Ons

Changed some fonts for easier reading.

Changed some sounds of shields.

The file contains database records that need to be merged with your mod in order to function.

  • Details are in the “Info.txt” included with the .zip file.

front210’s Bonus Add-Ons.zip (397.4 KB) (11 Nov 2021)

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NamePlate Supported Mods

Dawn of Masteries

Provides Grim UI theme compatibility for the Dawn of Masteries mod.


  • DoM 1.6.0
  • Burrwitch or Malmouth UI theme.


  • Install DoM and the UI theme.
  • Extract the .zip file, open the folder for your installed theme and copy the contents to “Settings”, allowing the files to get overwritten.

Dawn of Masteries UI 1.08.zip (22 Jul 2024)

Screen Shot

Dawn of Masteries mod • by mamba


Provides Grim UI theme compatibility for the Grimarillion mod.


  • Grimarillion v91
  • Burrwitch or Malmouth UI theme.


  • Install Grimarillion and the UI theme.
  • Extract the .zip file, open the folder for your installed theme and copy the contents to “Settings”, allowing the files to get overwritten.

Grimarillion UI 1.04.zip (6 Aug 2024)

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Grimarillion mod • by ASYLUM101

Grimarillion Titan Quest UI theme • by ASYLUM101

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Divider X-Mod_2

- by front210 & JMD

About the X-Mods

Two versions of the mod are available to suit your play style: “Hoarder” and “Strategist”.

  • Hoarder - Prefers carrying capacity over all else.
  • Strategist - Sacrifices storage space for an increased stats list.

You can install both mods and switch between them via the “Custom Game” menu.

  • I advise you NOT to switch from Hoarder to Strategist with character inventory bags over 75% capacity.
  • You may need to re-sort the character’s inventory after switching between Hoarder and Strategist.

Each version includes expanded:

  • Smuggler stash.
  • Illusionist window.
  • Factions window.
  • Codex and Help windows.
  • Crafting window.
  • Inventor window.
  • Vendor and Faction vendor windows.
  • All Shrine windows.

Other enhancements:

  • Expanded text margins (in some cases) - made specifically for some localizations.


  • 1920x1080 (recommended) and higher screen resolutions.
  • Current game version + Ashes of Malmouth + Forgotten Gods


  • Copy the “X-Mod-[version]” folder to “…Grim Dawn\mods” and then start a “Custom Game”.
  • To use a UI theme, copy the “X-Mod.arc” from the corresponding folder to “…X-Mod-[version]\resources”.

NamePlate Hoarder

X-Mod-Hoarder 2.08.zip (24 Dec 2024)

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NamePlate Strategist

X-Mod-Strategist 2.09.zip (24 Dec 2024)

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Blank Spacer

Divider Archive_2


This is the original expanded UI mod, released in Jan 2020, that was a compilation of the blacksmith, character, illusionist and smuggler windows.

  • If you switch between the Original and the Hoarder or Strategist versions, you should exercise caution as the character and smuggler inventory capacities are considerably smaller in the Original.


  • 1920x1080 (recommended) and higher screen resolutions.
  • Current game version + Ashes of Malmouth + Forgotten Gods


  • Copy the “X-Mod-Original” folder to “…Grim Dawn\mods” and then start a “Custom Game”.
  • To use a UI theme, copy the “X-Mod.arc” from the corresponding folder to

X-Mod-Original 1.27.zip (24 Dec 2024)

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Legacy X-Mods

Legacy editions of the 3 X-Mods, compatible with game version only. They also include the version of the HUD toolbar for the UI themes.


  • Game version + Ashes of Malmouth + Forgotten Gods
  • 1920x1080 (recommended) and higher screen resolutions.


  • Copy the “X-Mod-[version]-Legacy” folder to “…Grim Dawn\mods” and then start a “Custom Game”.
  • To use a UI theme, copy the “Grim UI X-Mod.arc” from the corresponding folder to “…X-Mod-[version]-Legacy\resources”.
  • To use the UI theme compatible HUD Toolbar, copy the “hud_playerstatustoppanel.tex” file from the corresponding folder to “Settings\UI\hud”.

X-Mod-Original-Legacy.zip (21 Nov 2023)

X-Mod-Hoarder-Legacy.zip (21 Nov 2023)

X-Mod-Strategist-Legacy.zip (21 Nov 2023)


Nice work. The background for the journal looks especially beautiful!

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Looks decent, I like it.

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Indeed very nice and I hope to see many more themes (and hopefully we can convince him to round it out with a Crucible implementation).

I am also extremely interested to know how this even works like it does? Just extract a ‘custom’ folder into the Settings folder. How is the game knowing to detect (and utilize) it? Is this perhaps something known of from TQ modding (I don’t recall seeing any theme mods like this but I haven’t looked at TQ stuff in a long while)? And if this has always been possible why in the heck has noone done this until now?

I got so many questions :scorv:

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This UI is ridiciulously beautiful.

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Nice one, I really like it :slight_smile:

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Looks very beautiful…

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It does look absolutely fantastic combined with Reshade.

Changes the feel of the game almost after having been looking at the Vanilla UI so long. Love it and I really hope this inspires other creative types now to make more.


@powbam, I’m also interested in that how it works. Also other tools like the Colorcode Tool uses the Settings directory. Hope the Devs read here. So I wish they comment this with a little explanation, how the game uses this settings folder.

This looks sick, not gonna lie

Awesome job!

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Interesting. Is this functionality documented somewhere then I wonder? The Modding Guide perhaps? Hmm. I haven’t used that tool before (I’m assuming you mean WareBare’s Rainbow Filter) so this is my first time seeing anyone using the folder like this and it kinda blows my mind actually because it is coming across to me as something way, way on the downlow - where if more people knew, artists types in particular - we might have had custom UI’s well before this point, maybe even a shitload of them by now. And I find that slightly bittersweet.

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I don’t know if there is a documentation. What i know is that the settings directory is not created while the installation of GD.

And you can put the directory created by your “hand” into the game directory or your user path.

Look at the point “Guide: “How To Use Preset-Files” that were generated with the tool by me as Zip.”

Here in this link from the color coding tool.


thats all I know…

May be the OP can give us more information…

Funny thing is I mentioned it roughly a week ago in the Rainbow Filter thread and when I saw this show up I remembered there was a UI mod some time ago, so I went on a search. [REL] JMD's UI Collection

It also works for other things as I changed spiders to something different for the arachnophobia mod. [REL] Arachnophobia Mod

So one could technically change the entire world. Assets just need to match the path/filename of the asset they are replacing inside their respective *.arc.


Thank you VERY much for the compliments, everyone! :metal: I’m happy that y’all are enjoying the mod!

As far as how this method works is beyond me. Titan Quest allowed the same method, but it used the database directory instead. I think something was mentioned that the developers created it as a way to test things “on the fly”. A big time saver over having to rebuild each little change in the Art Manager. I could be wrong though…

I used it when I made ui mods back then, too. I also used it for my personal mod that included meshes, quests and text files, etc. It worked beautifully.

I think the only file type that can’t be utilized this way is a database record. Again, I could be wrong.

At the end of the day, I’m just glad that Crate Entertainment either implemented this or left it in. It makes modding easier, in my opinion.


Interesting… looks like his first versions of the this one.

Np… you’ve done a great job and I seriously hope you are considering doing more themes. The more popular it gets, the more exposure and hopefully influences other talented folk to take a stab at it too.

To that I end I did create a thread on Steam a bit ago to increase exposure for ya:

I’m curious tho that you didn’t theme the health/energy panel area… is that not possible or are you planning on it at all?

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I am in fact considering two more themes based on the expansions (following a much needed break). That was the intention behind this one. Have it coincide with the base game in the sense that each window was hastily pieced together after the “Grim Dawn” occurred.

Yes, I too would be curious to see what others would come up with.

Oh that’s very cool! Thank you very much for taking the time to do that! :metal:

100% possible. I debated whether or not to re-texture those. I did some prototypes but I wasn’t satisfied with the results. I may take another stab at it though. The whole thing feels somewhat incomplete without it.

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This is incredibly beautiful, thank you!

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Not sure if the grey box below the class-portrait is some bug or not. The modded class didn’t have it, only the default one has!

Thank you!

Not a bug, just a problem with mod compatibility. The gray box is a background for the “Undo Points” button, which is moved from it’s default location in the mod you are using.

Alright thanks! Was just curious, not bothered by it :slightly_smiling_face: